As product managers, we have two critical responsibilities, to provide clarity and direction on the product we are building and to drive adoption and usage by our consumers. A good way that I have found to do both, is by building a Product Vision slide deck. The goal of it is to succinctly describe why the product exists, who it is for, and what does it solve. It helps create a shared vision on what we are building and allows us to provide consistent messaging both internally (to the product team) and externally (to consumers).  Below are the sections I normally cover in the presentation.

  • Context – Start by highlighting a critical business problem or question and lay the foundation for why the product exists in the first place. It helps the reader understand the context of the problem before diving into the details. If you have market validation data, even better!

  • Product definition – Once the context has been set, you can take the opportunity to describe what the product/service does in support of solving the initial question.

  • User base – This section outlines who your product is for and how they intend to use it. It serves as the foundation to measure that you are building a set of features and capabilities that directly solve the intended use cases in a way that your consumers expect.

  • Additional details – The last few slides are saved for any critical details about your product that you wish to convey.

  • Roadmap – This section communicates with your team and consumers where the product is going and what areas you will be focusing on. I have found this to be important

I have found this structure to be an easy way to convey the value and align everyone around a common understanding. I would love to hear any suggestions or recommendations so feel free to reach out on Twitter or LinkedIn!Erik