The late Charlie Munger famously advised, “The company that needs a new machine tool, and hasn’t bought it, is already paying for it.” Fleet managers know this as well as anyone. They’ve had no other choice. Vehicle tracking and mobility have already disrupted their industries. Now, advances in augmented reality, AI, and machine learning have the potential to bring intelligence to fleet management and operations – and the hunger for innovation is fueling a frenzy. 

At the same time, the bigger the fleet, the more is at stake. Organizations have to safeguard against the road to modernization becoming an endless and expensive journey requiring wide-scale retraining. A game of catch-up with no end in sight. 

The latest installation in our Architecture Guidance Series is a new whitepaper that lays out a sound strategy for approaching this conundrum. Geared toward fleet managers and fleet technology leaders, Built for the Long Haul: Architecting an Intelligent Fleet Management Platform describes a practical framework for designing and building a platform that incorporates AI into its every facet to deliver fast results – plus adaptability for long-term agility and integration of emerging tech.

Interested in harnessing AI to drive efficiency and agility for your fleet? Read how to deliver transformative intelligence to fleet management in our whitepaper.